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CoolBlue Taupo 107.5

New Zealand

No Raving DJ's
No Endless Commercial Breaks
No Songs Repeated Every Few Hours


Listen to our live stream. Click on the play button below.

IMPORTANT - We are back streaming again after the server fire. The above player may not work in some browsers. Use the following link as an alternative.  HERE

The station is also available on and their mobile app. Also, if you have an Amazon Echo device, you can listen by saying "Alexa, play station cool blue from tune in." NOTE that the streaming URL has changed it you have it stored on a device. It is now: 

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The Cool Blue philosophy is to bring you an eclectic mix of Blues, Jazz, Americana and more. No raving DJ's or long commercial breaks.  You will hear music you have never heard before, and you will discover new artists and groups that you didn't know existed.

Cool Blue was the brainchild of the late Terry Hancox, and this station is dedicated to him. It is programmed by Brian Barclay.

Cool Blue was on-air in Auckland in the early 2000's, and then became an Internet-only station, with listeners around the world. Now it is back on-air in Taupo on 107.5

We welcome your questions and comments... see below.

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Us3d to listen to your station when I lived in Auckland, but then it dissapeared. A great suprise to find it alive and well when I moved to Taupo. Love the misic. Thanks very much - A - Taupo


Love your music and there's a lot of contractors that ask me what's that radio station :) I'm in the flooring trade here in Taupo. - S


What a wonderful music. We discoverd cool blue taupo, when we visited NZ last March. Thank you for the wonderful time we were/are able to spend together which cool blue taupo. Cordially C - Hamburg Germany


I am obsessed with this station. This is the only New Zealand radio station that I can listen to all day at work and not get sick of it, such beautiful, funky, gritty music and none of it's bland! I've got my dad onto it as well he loves it, I listen to it in the shower, at home, in the car everywhere! C - NZ


You guys are great. Just discovered your station and have to say your playlists are amazing. Thanks for the wonderful music. J - NZ


Hi. I found you recently and since then you have been my only station to tune in. I just want to thank you and let you know that you have listeners also literally on the other side of the world. J - Finland


Awesome, just booful xx R - Perth


Your music over the past few weeks has been absolutely superb. Keep it up!! - J - Wellington


Hi Brian, best regards from bill in Auckland. I knew you when you had Cool Blue in Auckland, and your still going strong. Regards Bill - Auckland


Found you on the car radios whilst recently visiting Taupo, now I listen to the internet stream on my lovely Bose WIFI speaker. I'm nearly 66 now and it's like listening to the soundtrack of my life, love it. Fhnaks for doing it. j - Australia


Compliments. One of my two favourite internetradiostations H - Netherlands


Hi, I was listening tonight, and heard a song probably called Mocking Bird Smile sometime between 8pm and 9pm. Wednesday March 15th. Could you help me identify it please: title and artist? The song is sentimental to me. Thank you. R - Taupo (Song is from Jon Dee Graham, called Mockingbird Smile - B)


Just spent a couple of days in Taupo....are you the best radio station in the world?????? Possibly - G _ UK


I'm a retired radio guy - discovered your station last weekend while on holiday in your area - Brilliant, great to hear all that jazz !! First song was Summertime perfect with the weather over the weekend. Best wishes. A - Auckland


Great station with great music, came across it while staying in Taupo. Still listening to it now we are back home in Holland!! R - Holland


Just visiting Taupo for a few weeks and discovered your cool ad free music, awesome. Can you tell me what song was playing today around 3.35pm?...and keep up the good music! B - Taupo (Song turned out to be "Body is A Car - 4 Bitchin' Babes".. Brian)


Découvert en FM à Auckland en 2002, puis absente de la bande radio je vous retrouve avec le plus grand plaisir sur le Web. Votre programmation musicale éclectique fait de votre station ma radio favorite. Bravo et longue vie à Coolblue. Amicalement J - Papeete Tahiti 


Hi Brian, I am thrilled to have Just found you again. I was in mourning when the US feed was cancelled. Kindest regards, Congrats on the cup, too. M - Oregon USA


So delighted that I've found you after years of absence on the wireless. My favourite station is back! Wicked!!! S - Auckland


cool blue got me through some of my old uni degree back in 2005-2007. I was sad when it was gone. I am my my last year of a second (useless) degree 10 years later (did an Arts degree and now a Fine Arts degree), and just decided to google cool blue and LOOK!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING! I have always wanted to say THANK YOU. And now I can say that AND still listen. THRILLED! Ok back to essay. THANK YOU!!! RAPT!!!! X! N - Australia


What an utter pleasure to listen to great cruzi music that also swings!!! G - Kapiti


Hi! Great station with excellent mix of music. J - Nairobi Keny

Hi cool blue I've just found your station an like I was listening an heard this song this guy was singing about how ( happy happy happy by self) he was an thought it was one of the best songs ever if you could help me with an artist an song title that would be much appreciated what I can remember. happy happy happy by myself Ill make the bed when I want might not even make it probably so I can kick the sheet out happy happy happy by myself. Thanks G (Great song called 'Just By Myself' from Greg Brown - B)



have been listening to this station for the last week -- wow it is fantastic long may it continue. keep it up you're doing a owesome job. regards C


What is the correct streaming URL to put into my Sonos system to receive Cool Blue Taupo? B - Auckland (Try - Brian) Works like a treat - many thanks. Now I can terrorize the whole household with cool blues in every room! Thanks Again - B Auckland


I love it! Has a fantastic story! Savvy music icons! Great music Great concept & there is audience by default attached cos it is that bloody good. R - Australia


 Just tuned in...great sound... love it. Have you included Caro Emerald on you play list? Cheers, G - Auckland (Have Caro on now.. Brian)


THANK YOU. Superb, smooth and simply extraordinary - had lost you for a long time so glad to find you still out there! Yours is the only radio I care to listen to - Glad Tidings and THANKS! A - USA


Hi. I absolutelylove CoolBlue taupo! Is there any way I can create a playlist for my phone for when I cant get reception etc. Thx M - Taupo (Sorry, you can't do a playlist, but you can listen on your mobile device from the Website anywhere you have a data connection.. Brian)


Jeeez   Im lovin this – such cruizy music – on Cool Blue – heard a version of Running to Stand Still never heard before – and the one playing at mo – wow. K - South Wairarapa


Hi Brian - great to see you alive and kicking with CoolBlue.  P _ Turangi


I am so pleased to hear that you have found a solution. I can confirm that it (the streaming) works great from the website and the url works with our Tangent internet radio. J - Denmark


just thought you would like some feedback from the UK... I am still listening to cool blue 5years or whatever it is since you went off air in Auckland!!! Here in rural Somerset you are loud and clear and still good playlist! Thanks H - England


"I've been listening since mid 2002. You rock, I love you all. 
That bit about us listeners being a "relatively small niche audience" made me laugh though -- everyone I know listens to your station. It's the only station that both my mother (she's 50) and I (I'm 17) and her friends and mine, and my sister (she's 24), and her friends as well. Anyone we have over goes what is this? Is that the radio? But it's so cool! Except my brothers friends -- they say What is this shit? and ask why I don't listen to 50 cent or turn it to Mai. I say because I make an effort to never listen to currency, and then they leave, and that makes me like you guys even more.
Cool blue has street cred, not the baggy jeans sort, but the designer label and nice coffee sort.
The best time I've ever had with cool blue was when a mate and I were dropping off my sister at the airport. We went to McCafe (which was funny in itself -- so lowbrow!) and got completly wired on lattes and v. Then we sat in ruch hour traffic for like, two hours. We turned on cool blue and cranked it, then sang along loudly, and danced in our seats. The best song you played was about being something for someone elses love. The singer was going to be a kitty cat, and a gorilla, and a White House intern, which amused me no end. So we wound down all the windows, and sang along. Where we didn't know words, we warbled. Great.
Keep playing online, please! Put out a cd! Or many cds. Or go to a different frequency. 
That's all. Kudos, and warm fuzzies." R - Auckland 


"AHHHHHHHHHHH Simply bliss!!! I sooo am enjoying having my fav station back on the net. Big yays for I have also starting streaming other stuff that they do too:) Please keep up the good work" K - Auckland

"Congratulations to Terry Hancox & anyone else involved with decision making. You have an astonishingly sure touch with the playlist & the soothing little 'forecast' messages etc & Believe me you do make a difference." H - Auckland




"The best internet radio station on the planet" G- Wellington


"Thanks for the refreshing change to the FM scene in Auckland! Reception here in South Auckland is a little iffy, but worth the effort." D- Papakura


"There is always something new, that I haven't heard before. There is no "in your face" DJ, just good, good music. I came across your station by accident, and now listen to little else. Whoever is in charge of the playlists and the overall presentation is a genius. Keep it up. Just great." J- Auckland


"Just got my ADSL hooked up in Barcelona and went straight to your site. Didn't realize how homesick I was for Auckland and NZ. Good on ya'. Sniffle, sniffle." M- Barcelona Spain


"Keep up the great work, if everyone listened to Cool Blue in the car, road rage would be non-existant!" J- Auckland


"Mostly fantastic music - and no loud intrusive ads. Also there is no top 40 material at all - I love that! Thats why I never listened to radio until Cool Blue came along. I dont mind ads, they are a necessity, as long as they dont "scream at you". I now spend a lot with Real Groovy, one of your advertisers. " P- Auckland


"I'm lucky enough to live in Auckland and can listen day in, day out, which I do. I am a student, and I work part-time in a cafe. Sometimes I take our CDs out of the stereo, and just put Cool Blue on. Customers come up pretty much every time, asking who sang what and are surprised to hear it's a radio station. I bet most of them go home and put it on. You're really a breath of fresh air, when people all over New Zealand and the rest of the world are gagging for two good songs in a row without mindless, patronising gibberish ranting on between, before and after each one. You're the saviour for so many people. Bugger religion; I've got Cool Blue!" A- Auckland


"Keep on being there - can't do without you now." B- Auckland

"For the love of all things holy, give thanks for Cool Blue! Keep up the great work. "S- Auckland


"As a website developer sitting at the end of a jetstream line I am a CoolBlue addict from day one! It goes on before anything else here." B- Auckland

"Love the wide variety of artists. Many I have never heard before. I have purchased many albums from the selections played on this excellent website" S La Crosse, WI USA

"I just recently picked your station on the web & you play some excellent tunes. Your station plays an excellent variety for those of us old enough to enjoy good music. Keep it playing gents & I will be sure to pass word along to my friends here in the States. Let us all think peace!" M- USA


"Just a fantastic mix and quality of music, fulls of treats for the ear and heart. Love the mix of blues, jazz, folk,authentic archival and modern grooves.Whoever chooses the playlist is an excellent musicologist as well as da bomb!" S- Auckland


"ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS Have been stuck at work since about 10:00 am this morning and your music makes it sooooo easy. Found your station by chance. LOVE IT." L- Auckland


"Great music, no obnoxious adds. You are doing great, dont change a thing. I listen when I am working on the computer. Im going to wire my computer to my stereo so that I can listen a lot more often." G- Eden, Utah USA


"I am a music teacher (classical and jazz piano ) in Kerikeri. I occassionally have to go to Auckland for various reasons and the thing I look forward to most is listening to Cool Blue. Generally , I never listen to the radio , because the staions here (Bay of Islands) are all total crap. The music is great . I consider myself reasonably well - listened in the jazz field but I can almost guarantee to hear something new and inspiring on your station." B- Kerikeri


"Love this station, please import a version to New York City? Better than ANYTHING here." L- New York, NY, USA


"It's just a great station. I've emailed you guys to find out where to buy some CDs and the guy was always helpful. It's just a great station, a god send when you like to listen to the radio at work. Must go now, I'm off to buy a Jennifer Warne CD!" A- Auckland


"Honestly, I think that you have got the correct formula! Keep swinging!" R- Gold Coast, Australia


"Thanks for being the best radio station in the electromagnetic spectrum. In part because I can actually hear MUSIC (not DJ's yapping or endless adverts like all the other stations) but also because you play great music. Cool blue is all I ever listen to now and I love every minute of it!" R- Auckland


"You have a really great station, it's rare, i have only heard anything like in the US or UK, not in Australia where I have been living for the past 6 years. It is really different from the rest of the other stations on the radio, and truely a breath of fresh air. Who chooses your playlist?" S- Auckland


"I enjoy the eclectic variety of music available 24 hours a day. We have something like it in LA, but only for a few hours a day." R- Venice Beach, CA, USA"


"No commercials, continuous easy listening jazz and blues for all occasions. Great for party or dinner party. You play it in the background and everyone loves it and no need to select what cd's need to be played or changed. Suits all tastes. Number 1 station in NZ by far" P- Auckland


"Big Radio.My favorite.Super sound in Brasil." G- Brazil


"The range of styles within the cool sound is fantastic. I love the blues and jazz blues, and the 50s and 4os era. I dont mind a little smaltz as long as it is cool and blue. I like being exposed to artists that I havent heard before, along with the songs and tunes of my dad that i can recall with out them having been a part of my direct musical experinence.They just seen to come from bits of my childhood that lie outside of my immediate thoughts. I like that.Especially the live recordings that are not commercial, or included on records commonly played. I guess its the wonderful music that appeals to those who love real music, not shortland street stuff. Keep it up!" M- Auckland


"I'm in Auckland this week from Los Angeles and have discovered of the most innovative "jazz/blues" formats I've heard anywhere in the world. I'm on the Advisory Board of the Jazz Bakery, an LA non-profit 7 night a week venue and also an advisor to KKJZ. Your programming approach
-in my opinion - has found the way to talk to the much needed younger audience that other jazz formats have been ignoring. Other formats become repetitive, stale, and boring. This is great, keep it up"  P- LA, USA


"I got hooked on Cool Blue while living in Auckland. I am now living in Canada and there is nothing like it around. I plug into the net to listen to your station. Keep up the good work."T- London, Ontario Canada.


"My wife and I really dig your radio show, Dude. It is the best station on the internet and way better than any Radio station in California. It has not always been that way. When I was growing up in Los Angeles in the 70's we had great FM radio. We were blessed with DJ's like Jim Ladd and Shadoe Stevens, who practically invented that classic L.A. sound. Y'all are in that same league. We had the best sex in a long time the other night while listening to you. WE LOVE THAT! And we love you." R- California


"No ads! What bliss! The style of music *Sigh* gorgeous" S- Auckland


"I would give anything to have a station playing tunes like you do here. Public Radio on Saturday morning is the only thing that comes close. keep up the good work." R- Boise, Idaho, USA


"please start a local fm station in Christchurch ! cool blue sounds great" Dr.P- Christchurch


"Thank you for providing such an excellent blues radio station that I can play while at work. Keep up the good work." K- BC, Canada


"WOW!! I stumbled on your station while surfing the net and I'm hooked. I have been listening for over four hours, it's way after midnight and my wife is shouting at me to come to bed but I can't turn my computer off." M- Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


"Cool Blue is the tallest thing to come out of the Southern Hemisphere, thanks." J- Lawrence, Kansas, USA


"I just love that laid back feeling that I get whenever I tune into COOL BLUE, it brings back the happy memories of my holiday in your beautiful country." J- Cape Town, South Africa


"You guys have a fantastic cross selection of artists and songs, NO ads, & NO egocentric DJ's who think that they are funny! I'm in radio heaven except I listen on the internet. I wish that I knew if I could recieve cool blue on the radio over here because the UK equivalent ("Jazz FM") rates a very poor second. If you do, then I would listen for most of the day and not just when I'm on-line and blocking the only phone line in the house. I always sing your praises to friends and colleagues over here and find it a great shame that they are missing out on the greatest radio station in their lifetime." A- Hertfordshire, UK


"the best cross section of all the music and songs ever.your programers / researchers are magicians" J- Mangawhai


"You guys present the best and only station to tune to for the bast jazz and blues available. You have opened my ears to musicians that I has never heard of but am now an avid fan who has been set on a journey of discovery and seeming boundless excitement at each turn. Thankyou for introducing me to Lois Prima, Louis Jordan, Muddy Waters and Kandye Cane, Kim Wilson and others." S-Auckland


"Love The variety of music. You have widened my whole outlook on singers and songs" Y- Auckland


"The variety of music no adds and very relaxing driving into work at 6.15am a cool way to start the day. My only gripe is the reception is not always clear, my stereo at home will be great and then for no reason its seems to go off the station, this is frustrating as love to listen to your station on the weekends." C-Auckland



"I listen to it every time I'm in Auckland, about 1 weekend in 3. It plays the type of music I listen to and samples lots of material which gives me more choice on who else I want to hear. I wish I could hear the program away from AK" D-Whakapapa


"My father was into jazz before he died when I was 7 and I never really followed it, now thanks to Cool Blue I can listen to this type of music and I now know why my father loved it so much!" K- Auckland


"You play Big Sandy! I like the music, no Announcers , just a breath of fresh air really. Keep up the good work!" A- Auckland


"Congratulations on an outstanding radio station. I listen to your station every day. I would be an exclusive listener (seriously) if it wasn't for the reception range. I live in Waiuku (South Auckland). Reception from Papakura through to Waiuku (in the car) drops off markedly. Still, north of Papakura I'm tuned in. Thanks again." B- Waiuku


"please just keep up the awesome job you are doing and pumping out that great music" A- Auckland


"just awesome!!!" R - Waitakere


"Coooooool variety of music I won't hear anywhere else - a learning music experience - & no screaming timewasting advertisements. You are the only really different station around - a treasure!!" R- Auckland


"Where to begin? Low advert level, excellent music, available on Net and in my car. No adverts featuring that puke inducing "Dub Dub Dub. This station is high on the list of things that makes Auckland neat. I would like to propose a knighthood for Bruce Barclay." P- Torbay, AKL (Let's not forget Terry when we're proposing Knighthoods!- B)


"Not only do you have the greatest radio station on the planet but it is amazing for all the email you must receive, twice now you've answered back, spot on..... Just let me know if there's anything supportive I can do for you here in So Cal. Thanks again for all the good musical vibes." A- California


"Great variety of music/no advertising/great background for those special evenings of entertaining - WHO NEEDS CD's? Compliments and thanx to organisers/supporters" B- Auckland


"Love the variety - its wonderful. I sit at my computer most of the day and I just groove away......" P-Christchurch


"Hoy por primera vez escucho su Radio. No pude resistime a expresarles mi mas afectuoso saludo y darles las gracias por hacerme pasar momentos tan agradables con la musica que pasan, debo decirles que es ¡¡¡EXELENTE!!!" A- ?AOL Address. (Best translation from the Spanish I could do is... "Today I listened to your radio station for the first time. I could not resist sending you my affectionate greeting, and thanking you for pleasant moments while I listened to the music. I must say it is excellent!")


"Best radio station I've ever heard for 50- years and I grew up in Chicago! After living in Auckland, I am now hooked on coolblue in Southern California. I'm going to pass the word alot - around LA, etc. You provide such daily joy -such esoteric music and a wonderful blend. I'm hoping my daughter will develop a good ear and music education as she has always liked your station, too.The play list and back up info is so good to have. YAY no commercials - SOOO refreshing in Southern California." Dr A- Southern California


"I discovered your station when I was last in NZ on business. Personally, I think it's the best station on the planet. The music is an idea mix of interesting and seldom heard hits. The style is quite hard to define since it's not always easy listening as defined by the genre. No, simply put, I love it. Try to stick around, you've got me hooked. " M- Brisbane, Australia


"This would just have to be the greatest radio station in the world!! When it comes to music I listen to nothing else. Your programming is superb, well balanced and interesting. Thanks for offering such a fantastic format!" G- Auckland


"You have a fabulous range, and it's all really mellow and just really cool. I can't find the station in Wellington which really suxs because it's fantastic. F***ing awesome radio station, I love it so much. Real class. Thanks so much!" C- Wellington


"Cool Blue FM is the only radio station in Auckland that plays Jazz music. The website is great, it keeps me informed with the playlist which actually encouraged me to listen more. No advertising, which is the BIGGEST reason why I listen to the station a lot." B- Auckland


"It`s easy to access from the Internet, the Station`s great. Nice music and a pleasure to listen to. Keep up the good work" H- WINCANTON ---- ENGLAND


"I've just moved to Gisborne to live.....and I'm missing my Coolest of Bluest 96.1!!!!! Please, please tell me, How can I tune in to Cool Blue on my radio......what frequency are you down here?
Do I need to buy something that will enable me listen to you guys???
You really need to help me out here, otherwise I'll go mad.
After 96.1, nothing else will do!!! So there, you've spoilt us Cool Blue fans, so the onus is on you to help me with this huge catastrophe, dilemma, call it what you like...." G- Gisborne (The Internet is the only way - Brian)


"Like the more quirky unknown music from known stars, e.g Lonnie Donnegan Rock Island Line, Here comes the Sun you just played from Ricthie Havens, some (a little) Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone . . . obscure stuff that we're unlikely to hear unless we own the album. Love the boogie woogie piano stuff. Variety is what makes the station I think. My kids (11 and 13) call it the old farts radio station but listen all day long. They have their favourites: "If you want to happy . . . make an ugly woman your wife . . ." both of them now play boogie woogie piano after years of classical." D- Auckland


"i love the limited advertising, but most of all i love the wonderful cross section of jazz,blues,and music from everywhere and no head banging stuff. i'm hooked,so keep up the excellent work" R- Auckland


"its music no other stations play, no DJ plays great music that i've never heard before. you could  improve/strengthen reception. play more blues and country, and  possibly expand the playlist even further" K- Auckland


Very relaxing - especailly driving home after a long day. Don't have to think, just chill out and listen.


Love the fact that there aren't screeds of bad ads playing." A- Auckland


"LOVE the music and the ALMOST no ads, but definitely no SCREAMING ads. Dont go away -- PLEEEEZE" J- Waimauku


"Please play more of JanPreston. Piano Plays The Blues is awesome and she plays a mean Boogie Woogie" R- Auckland


"Easy listening and quality music. One of the best stations we have found on the internet. If we were both retired and could live in beautiful New Zealand we would have the station on all day. We have visited twice as our son lives in Auckland. In January he and his wife are expecting a baby so I know well will come over again at least once. The vast open spaces, lovely climate and wonderful people make NZ a really special place." T- Hempstead, England


"LOVE this station. I live just outside of Vancouver and one of my friends works in Auckland, so we can listen to the same songs. He listens on the way home from work and I am listening to the same music on my computer, but in the early evening the day before! Then we email each other about it. Its great!" ? - Vancouver, Canada


"I love the swing music best - hitsof the 30's and 40's - also like the irish stuff I notice you are playing more of" A- Auckland


"Love the mix of alt country, country blues and jazz, limited adds and the listings of songs on your website, but you knew that already." M- Auckland


"just found the station - love it already. I have looked at the upcoming playlist and have adjusted my whole day just to listen. New Orleans is considered the jazz capitol of the world but I have always been disappointed in the radio here. This is perfect!" T- New Orleans, USA


"I Love singing along!!! I love the old swing and funky little blues stuff, toe tapping instrumentals! And no wanky ego invested dj yapping on! Great background music in my classroom while teaching art!" S- Auckland


"Unique selection of music. Ideal for listening to on the boat. You play stuff that is never heard on any other station, originals, etc. Also the lack of the usual puerile, intelligence-insulting advertising which characterises all but two other stations. Keep up the good work. Much appreciated." A- Auckland


"An excellent collection of songs. This is a spectacular station. Keep the beautiful blue flowing." H- Auckland


"excellent music played on good equipment providing listening pleasure not being assaulted by DJ's and adds. Keep to the same format, music IS for pleasure and it's the reason people love you." V- Auckland


I LOVE YOUR PROGRAMMING." C- Kettle falls Washington, USA

"Just wanted to drop you guys a note to let you know how great it is to get you on the web. Now I live and work in California. I have a business called GoWesty! ( In the US we call Volkswagen Westfalia Campers westy's, not anything like the westy's of Auckland! ) you can check us out online at , we sell everything you can imagine for these vehicles. We have you guys plugged into our phone lines so when our customers are on hold they listen to your station. I have known for years that you all have the best playlist around -truly world class, and my customers give us the same positive feedback. They do wonder where this "Auckland" place is that .....basks in a shade of blue. 
Thank you and keep up the great work!" T- California, USA


"hi there, i have been listening to this radio station in south australia it is absolutely fantastic, wow keep it up, it is so good to hear music without a lot of ads etc, well done and keep it happening, good on you guys over there in new zealand, well done love it." T- SA, Australia


"keep up the good work, when are yu going to get repeaters in wellington. Desperately need it down there" H- Auckland


"A brilliant, succulent little oasis in an otherwise arid Jazz & Blues desert" D- Auckland


"I love that you can just listen and youll hear a song youve never heard before , and it becomes one of your favourite songs. i love the tracklisting on the site its very helpful if i hear somthing i really like" D- Auckland


"love everything. It is the only station I now listen to. Car radio is permanently on 96.10 also bedside radio which is on nearly all night! I wish I had more time where I was able to listen." K- Auckland


"I accidently came across your station while channel surfing one day because I was sick of all the adverts and DJ's yacking on and on. The music you play is awsome. I come from the USA, been here since '86. I've never come across another radio station like yours. I used to listen mostly to my own tapes, but now I find myself listening to your station more and more. I've told everybody I can about your station, and I've been able to make a few full time "converts"". M- Auckland


"Great Music to suit my era. I will listen longer once I am on Broadband, which is cheaper. A friend who has settled in NZ recommended the Station to me." S- Edinburgh, Scotland,UK


"good follow up if u want to find out more about and artist, your response to questions i have asked in the past...and u have help me open up to a wider range of music.... I think its wonderful keep up the great work.... If i listened longer i wouldnt sleep....LOL" L- Auckland


"The best station on air- bar none!" A- Auckland


"Love the stuff, blues things I never hear elsewhere" D- Auckland


"Excellent selection. I travel a lot (drive) between Wellington and Auckland and can listen to the station only while I am within Auckland city limits - You need a greater transmission area and more stations e.g. in Wellington will certainly get my vote. Keep it up and keep it good" S- Wellington


"Good mix of good music. No stupid, screechy, irritating ads. Play more Country & Western during peak traffic. [In car listening]" J- Auckland


"At last, something different to listen to on the radio in this country." S- Auckland


"I am separated and alone and coolblue keeps me company via my pc. Sincerely thank you for a wonderfully different station." J- Auckland


"no ads - cruisy music - great for the workplace with a mixed age group. Love the link to Real Groovy - have bought quite a few CDs as a result. Lots and lots of people don't know about Cool Blue also." J- Auckland


"The songs are perfect for any time of the day." H- Auckland

"Excellent music, minimal advertisments and no mindless disc jocks interupting the flow. Please get more power output to help car reception. cool blue is amazing. keep it going please. " J- Auckland




"Where to start? The awesome playlist, the lack of ads, the non-abrasive non-intrusive dj''re the best!!" F- Auckland




"No ads--well, almost. Great music--perfect sound. Mellow, blue. Much better than just background music, but I can have it going when I'm doing other things at my desk" R- Auckland


"Love it because it is stimulating and not as formula driven as other stations- doesn't treat me like I'm brain-dead and under 20 years old" R- Auckland


"A brilliant concept that provides an outlet for music not normally heard on NZ stations" P- Auckland


"Love your choice of music - I have bookmarked your site for my evening browsing" R- Wakefield, England


"The absolute BEST thing to happen on nz airwaves since hauraki way way way back in the bad old days!" K- Auckland


"The Best radio station in the World!" R- Cruising off the Greek Islands


"Interesting music I haven't heard before. Very few ads" S- Auckland


"Im very excited to hear this music again but I am doubly excited because you have introduced me to a lot of artists Ive never heard of and I love them eg Chris Smither , John Gorka, Joe Henry, sarah Harmer Patti Griffin and many more" B- Auckland


"I've been listening for 2 weeks, and whoever programs this station is a genius!" G- Silicon Valley USA


"Fantastic station, can you broadcast over the radio in the Wellington region? I'd listen all the time then" F- Wellington


"Cool Blue ROCKS" R- Dunedin


"Keep up the good work. Can you get a stronger transmitter and or nationwide network?" T- Auckland


"Love the songs, particularly Sarah Vaughn, Marc Cohen, Frank Sinatra. Eva Cassidy etc. We both listen while we are on the net and we have discovered that our taste in music is the same. It is wonderful. Your station has opened new doors to my life and to his. I am coming to Nz first of June to visit for the first time and it is largely due to your station." D- Vegreville, Alberta Canada


"I love the eclectic music genres, no hyped up dj, few ads. I'd happily accept more ads if a choice had to be made between keeping the current format and closing down or changing it. Of course "more" on the current ad frequency rate would still be less than most other radio stations." W- Waiuku


"Music which suits me more than any other station. Also, very few adverts" A- Auckland


"I don't want to leave the country. I've fallen in love with your station. Can you send me Cool Blue on CD's?" W- Germany


"Imagine the surprise this Texas native felt the first time I listened to your station and heard (in one afternoon) THREE singers that I have been going to see live since I was 15 years old! I screamed so loud the first time Marcia Ball played on air that my partner thought the house was on fire!" V- Auckland


"I like its easy listening variety of jazz, nostalgia (30s, 40s, 50s), rock 'n' roll, country, blues, and music from around the world (Spanish, Brazilian, French, etc)" J- Auckland


"Great continuous music, excellent playlist, artist/song info readily available, well-designed web site. Aside from providing more hours in the day, I can suggest no improvement. :-) Thank you for providing such excellent content free of charge." J- Texas USA


"Endless music with no interruptions. all music - no talk! and a great variety of music too :) i love the website. being able to see the playlist is very helpfull!" T- Auckland


"*relaxing enjoyable music *helps me unwind at work" R- Auckland


"The best DJ's, very little ads, great music, both jazz and quirkey offbeat numbers" C- Auckland


"I have bought many CDs of artists featured on Cool Blue and I am still on the lookout for many more on my list as I have quite an extensive collection. It is good to be able to log on to Cool Blue while surfing the net. and have the Radio going as well. Don't change a thing!!! Cool Blue is the best thing to happen to radio for years." P- Auckland


"Good music selection, info available about albums. The kind of music you play is very popular in Austin, TX" J- Texas, USA


"Music, no ads, the fact that you can get the playsheet, versatile for easy listening, background music or party" P- Auckland


"Great music. Great radio there down under. Keep on the good work." P- Oporto (Portugal)


"we moved out to Laingholm (other side of Titirangi (way out west) and i can't get the reception any more, so have had to reduce the number of time i listen. Please get a bigger arial (or get me one), just love to listen to your station" B- Laingholm


"Music u never hear elsewhere. Being able to see whats coming up in the playlist. Why don't u broadcast nationally? Keep it up. Improve anything? r u kidding !!!!. Enjoy the quality, this is real music, yummy yummy yummy! These sounds make u want to go out & buy a great sound system...." R- Tokoroa


"just love your station, it's the best thing to happen in Auckland since we arrived from Africa 2 years ago.  I was absolutely amazed that there was NO station whatsoever like coolblue, and now, my life if completely balanced.  I only discovered this station on Monday, recommended by a work colleague.   Thank you and I hope you grow from strength to strength" S- Auckland


"Great selection of music. Thanks for keeping me sane in Yunnan" - Puer Yunnan China


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